Web Analytics

Track how users interact with your website, Ecommerce store or web application.

Tracking user behaviour is especially important for E-commerce stores, but can also provide valuable insights for business owners or web applications. View visitor’s demographics, track custom events, and make decisions based on real data.

Tailored Analytics Plan

Bespoke GA4 and GTM setup aligned with your business goals. Expert strategy development for actionable insights and direct impact on your bottom line.

Advanced User Insights

Uncover how users truly interact with your site. Track custom events, map user journeys, and optimize for better engagement and higher conversion rates.

Seamless Integration

Hassle-free GA4 and GTM integration with ongoing optimization support. We ensure accurate data collection and provide insights to refine your strategy.

Let's talk

Discover how we fuel your growth!

What we do

  • Ecommerce Tracking

    Ecommerce Tracking

    Understand user shopping behaviour, discover which products perform the best, and track internal promotions.

  • Web Application Tracking

    Web Application Tracking

    Create custom events for your web application and understand user interaction with your features.

  • Website Tracking

    Website Tracking

    Track visitor behaviour on landing page, track form interactions, call to action interactions, and conversions.

  • Third Party Tracking

    Third Party Tracking

    Track Google, Facebook, TikTok Ads and more, to uncover invaluable metrics, such as return on ad spent (ROAS).

Steps to Success

  • 01

    Business Requirements

    We analyze what information we can capture, that is important to your business on decision making.

  • 02

    Google Analytics

    We setup your Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Property and configure the most important settings for you.

  • 03

    Google Tag Manager

    We utilise Google Tag Manager (GTM), so that code-level access is not required for tagging.

  • 04

    Tracking Implementation

    After setting up GA4 and GTM we complete the tracking implementation.

  • 05

    Rigorous Testing

    We test that each tag fires correctly and validate data collection on Google Analytics' end.

Get in Touch